Well over a year ago I transitioned the majority of my business to a virtual platform providing screen shares, webcasts and webinars and all meetings & appointments conducted virtually. This new system I developed provides a convenient way to communicate and do business.
Now with this pandemic event, it is also the safest way of connecting.
My infrastructure is 100% in place and firing on all cylinders. No ramping up or trying to figure out how to so this like many others.
In fact, I have had so much success with this and countless inquires as to how I do it, I am in the final stages of completing a "how to do" online course to share the system with other business owners and their employees.
The course is called "Eazy VB" - The Eazy Way to Create a Virtual Business.
I will share more on the course release date once it is established. If you would like to get on a waiting list for the prelaunch which will include discount prelaunch pricing, please fill out the form on this page and you will be notified.
Thank you for your interest and I look forward to sharing this course and system with you very soon.
Craig Colley