Coliday HealthCare Services




September is
Life Insurance Awareness Month

We have partnered with Life Happens & Brook Shields to bring you some timely information

Watch a 30 second message from Brook

Read More From Brook... Protecting My Family Means Everything to Me...

Protecting My Family Means Everything to Me

I've had a lot of different jobs, from actress to author to clothing designer, but there's one that's more important than all the others: being a mom. It's the most difficult and rewarding job I've ever had. It's also a big responsibility. I'm teaching my daughters to be strong and independent, so they can successfully navigate their own life journey. And I'm protecting their future by having life insurance

I got life insurance before I was married, because I knew I wanted children someday. This isn't anything I was taught growing up. It's a lesson I learned on my own and want to share with you. Getting life insurance might feel scary or like it's something that other people do, but once you get it, it's done. And it's something most people can afford. Protecting my family financially means everything to me. That's why I have life insurance, and you should, too
Brooks Shields

Life insurance is a good place to start when you want to provide financial security for you and your family. There is nothing like having one less thing to worry about during difficult times by providing your loved ones with a death benefit. If you need it, some policies also build cash value. We represent a variety of carriers to offer the best prices and multiple types of life insurance to match your needs and budget giving you the confidence of knowing you’re covered.
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Do I Need Life Insurance?
Life insurance has several purposes. Its most important function is to replace the earnings that would cease at the death[...]
Whole Life Insurance
Whole Life Insurance offers permanent protection for a powerful way to protect your family with premiums which do not increase[...]
Life Insurance Basics
Life insurance is a good place to start when you want to provide financial security for you and your family.[...]
Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is an affordable way to help your loved ones with your final expenses such as medical[...]
Term Life Insurance
What is Term Life Insurance? Term Life Insurance is a good starting point when deciding on affordable options for you and[...]
What is Long Term Care?
Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance can help protect your assets from being used for care and maximize your options for care[...]
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