The Color of Money Risk Analysis assesses your financial picture and provides a roadmap to your overall risk preferences. The output will be a proprietary Color of Money score. This short, interactive analysis is the first step on the road to retirement.

Did my question make you wonder what colors have to do with money? The amount of money we earn, save and spend is driven by our personality and beliefs.
This can also drive the choices we make about what we do with that money. In short, the investments we choose determines the color of our money. It reflects our overall personality, lifestyle and values, as well as our spending and saving methodologies.
Red- These assets have a higher degree of risk. There is good growth opportunity, but preparing for volatility is important with these assets. Red does not mean the assets are dangerous. It simply means you should stop, look both directions and proceed with caution in making your investment decisions.
Yellow- These assets are safer but still call for cautious examination. There are unique growth opportunities and Yellow assets do not carry as much risk as Red assets. You may not have as much growth opportunity as Red money, but you do not need to come to a complete retirement stop before proceeding.
Green- Green money should be labeled on assets that have safety and guarantees. Your growth potential is less than Red and Yellow money, but you may move comfortably through retirement knowing your assets are safe and available to provide the income stream you are looking for in retirement.

Striking a healthy balance with the colors of your money can help you reach your pre and post retirement goals.
Each color of money has unique benefits and features.