Coliday HealthCare Services

Social Security Maximization

Social Security

The most common question for pre-retirees is - when do I take my social security benefits?

When it comes to Social Security retirement benefits, your age, marital status, health and financial needs are all important considerations.

With more than 10 years of unprecedented market volatility, corporations eliminating over 85k pension plans since the mid 80's and a government agency (SSA {Social Security Administration} with 2,728 filing rules) is prohibited from dispensing advice, we offer expert advice on when and how to file for the optimal Social Security filing benefits.

Utilizing guaranteed income financial products, we work with you to design a plan to protect you and your family from unanticipated circumstances and market instabilities so common in our everyday life. We realize you've worked hard for your money.

Our mission is to work even harder to make sure you collect the maximum amount of Social Security payments and filling any income gaps in coverage with appropriate financial products designed to meet your high standards.

Filing for Benefits

The Social Security Administration website at provides a wealth of information on Social Security retirement benefits.

The age at which you begin receiving benefits is one of the most important factors affecting the amount of your monthly benefit.

The power of delayed retirement credits
For each year after full retirement age that you delay taking benefits, delayed retirement credits increase your monthly benefit amount. The percentage of increase depends on the year you were born.

If you were born in 1943 or later, your benefit increases by 8% each year until you reach age 70. After that, no additional delayed retirement credits are earned.2

Working After You Begin Collecting

You can keep working after Social Security retirement or survivors benefits begin. If you are at full retirement age or older, there is no reduction of your Social Security benefits, regardless of how much you earn from work.

Before your full retirement age, earnings are subject to an “earnings test.” If your income exceeds a specified amount, Social Security will withhold all or a portion of your benefits.

1 Source: Social Security Administration Benefits Planner
2 Source: Social Security Administration,
The information provided is not written or intended as specific tax or legal advice. Our representatives are not authorized to give tax or legal advice. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Final decisions about Social Security filing strategies always rest with you and should always be based on your specific needs and health considerations. It is important to acquire as much information as possible in order to make an informed Social Security claiming decision because one year after the Social Security claiming decision is made, the options for change are extremely limited. The Social Security program was created by an Act of Congress. It is subject to change. In the past, Congress has made changes to the law which has had an impact on Social Security benefits. Congress can make changes to the law at any time, which might impact benefits in the future.

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